Sunday, December 13, 2009

From the Energetic Body to the Page: Discovering the Self ~ Part 10: Chakra 7

Chakra 7: Sahasrara ~ Understanding • Spiritual Connection • The Right to Know • Thought

The 7th chakra is where we become conscious of our connection to the Divine. According to Carolyn Myss, “our goal while on this earth is to transcend our illusions and discover the innate power of our spirits.” One of the biggest illusions we live with is time – especially when we let our thoughts “live too long in the past”. The 7th Chakra calls for us to live in the present moment, and to trust that if we live “ . . . fully in the present moment, the mysteries of yesterday will gradually be unraveled for us.”

This chakra is concerned with the way we think, our belief systems, and our connection to higher power. Think on this—thought is the first emanation of consciousness on its way to manifestation. So, thought, being high in the ethereal realm, is the seed of manifestation, which brings us back “down” to the earthly plane.

The efflux of the soul is happiness - here is happiness;
I think it pervades the open air, waiting at all times;
Now it flows into us - we are
rightly charged.

—Walt Whitman

Prompt: When I look at the stars I . . .

to see the entire article, click here . . .

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