Sunday, August 3, 2008

Horse Formula Testimonial

About one year ago one of our horses suffered with a severe colic situation. Luckily we were able to save him with the help of the vet. Soon after we added Amazon Horse Formula to our monthly auto ship and have been giving it regularly to our 6 horses to prevent any more scary situations. I am happy to say all 6 horses are in excellent health with normal digestion and they are losing a bit of weight which they needed to do. I feel better knowing our horse formula is preventing any issues by keeping their digestion and immune systems in good order, especially in the high desert climate where we live with weedy grazing fields. Amazon Horse Formula is fantastic health insurance!

Recently one of the horses injured her hoof and we used Sangre de Drago and Treasure Tea topically and Recovazon Bulk Powder internally to get her through the ordeal. She is now recovered and happy and back in the main field with her family.

JVS, Montague, CA

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