Monday, October 4, 2010

New Moon Yoga ~ Thursday, October 7th

Special Yoga Class ~ New Moon in Libra Celebration and Gathering: An Evening of Yoga, Intention Setting, and Fun.

Thursday, October 7th ~ 6 to 8 pm

Traditionally the New Moon is the perfect time for letting go of what no longer works for you and of setting new intentions. As the moon waxes, watch your intentions grow.

Libra rules partnerships, and, is the sign of balance and harmony. This may be a good time to think about your ideal partnerships (business, love, family, friends), or how best to make your relationships work. How is your relationship with yourself? Where do you need balance in your life? In the world?

Libra is ruled by Venus, so this is a good time to look at what your heart needs. Where do we balance Beauty (with a capital B) and Love in our lives? How does creativity fit in?

This new moon is an ideal time to be bold in the pursuit of harmony, whether it's in your relationships or for world peace.

During New Moon Yoga we will:
* learn about the energy of the new moon and the astrological sign it is in
* receive a guided meditation and affirmations for the new moon
* practice asanas that correspond with the moon astrologically
* make an altar with personal objects to power up our intentions
* create intentions and send them out to the universe with music and a celebration
* ground ourselves and know that our intentions are received

Bring a journal - you will want to have something to write or draw your intentions in. In fact, you may want to use a journal dedicated specifically for Moon work. It is fun to record dreams, images, words or phrases that correspond with your intentions. You'll be amazed that the more you look, the more you see! Over time, you will see your outcomes unfold and your intentions expand. (If you don't have one, you may get a journal from me for a $12.00 materials fee.)

Also, bring some small object(s) or a candle to charge up with your intentions.

This class/workshop/gathering has a suggested donation of $12.00.

This workshop will be held at my place. Let me know if your coming - space is limited. You may contact me at for more info and/or to RSVP.

John Lennon was probably the most famous Libra in the world. Happy Birthday, John.

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