Saturday, April 10, 2010

Dreamy!!! We need this in the US!

Copenhagen - City of Cyclists from Copenhagenize on Vimeo.

This is a video showing Copenhagens unique bicycle culture as it looks in the beginning of the early 21st century.

A monumental motion of everyday people transporting themselves from A to B by pure pedal power.

-Each day 37% of everybody in Copenhagen arrives at work or education by bicycle.
-25% of all families with two kids in the city own a cargo bike.
-And the 519,000 inner city copenhageners own 560,000 bicycles!

This video highlights who Copenhageners are and what they do. I shot it over a period of four months.

Dur: 3 min 26 sec.

Directed, Edited, Filmed by Mikael Colville-Andersen for the City of Copenhagen.

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