
2010 Schedule

Writing the Energetic Body™
at the Temple of the Divine Mother
4 North San Francisco Street ~ Flagstaff, AZ

Namaste ~

I am very excited to offer Writing the Energetic Body™ at the Temple of the Divine Mother - above Sacred Rites.  The vibrations there are really beautiful. It will be wonderful to do this work surrounded by such good energy - truly a sacred space.

My intention for Writing the Energetic Body™ is to explore coping with change, healing, and taking responsibility for our selves, our society, and our planet, through creativity and the creative process.

Writing the Energetic Body™ will use the major chakra system as the “backbone” for self-exploration through writing. Creative visualization, gentle yoga asana and movement, sound, sensory stimulation, collage and writing prompts designed to “wake up” specific chakras will inspire a series of timed writings and creative excavation.

As a participant, you will:
  • compassionately and creatively observe your Self
  • uncover hidden impulses, stories, and patterns in your life
  • awaken the body/mind
  • utilize the breath for presence in the moment
  • deepen and expand your creative vision
Each week, we will focus on the issues of one chakra.

November 16th: 1st Chakra – This is our entrance into the earthly plane, our right to be in the world. Issues surround survival and our “tribe”.

November 30th: 2nd Chakra – This is where we experience the power of relationships. We will explore pleasure, sexuality, emotions, and the desire to create.
December 7th: 3rd Chakra – This is where we gain our sense of personal identity, power, and will. Who are you? What is your purpose?
December 14th: 4th Chakra – We will open to compassion, self-acceptance, and love.
December 21st: 5th Chakra – We will look at clear communication, self-expression, creativity and “Divine Will”.  What happens when you speak your Truth?
January 4th: 6th Chakra – We will explore perception, clarity of vision, and psychic ability. How do you see the world? How does intuition and imagination expand your life experience?
January 11th: 7th Chakra – How do we understand the world? What is our connection to Higher Power? We will look at thought as the seed of manifestation and how the energy of this “ethereal” chakra can be brought “down to earth”.

At the end of each class, attendees will be guided through a final relaxation meditation.

No writing workshop or yoga experience required. I promise, I am gentle.

Although it can be fun and enlightening, it is not necessary to share your writings!

Materials: a favorite pen, water, a yoga mat, and comfortable clothing.

Cost: $125.00 plus $5.00 non-refundable materials fee for the entire series. Individual classes may be taken for $25.00 a session plus a one-time $5.00 non-refundable materials fee. (If you need a journal, the materials fee is $18.00. The journals I offer are hard-cover and durable - perfect for the work we'll be doing).

Contact me at if you have any questions and to register.

Space is limited! Please email me to register - preferably by Monday, November 16th.

To kick start your imagination you may want to check out my meditation visualization cd Journey through the Chakras. You may order the cd at my site Sacred Folly or download the MP3 tracks by going here.

Also, you may want to check out (though it's not necessary) the classic book on writing by Natalie Goldberg, Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within (Shambhala Library).

Flagstaff Yoga Festival
Friday July 30th, 2010
Writing the Energetic Body

This seminar will use the major chakra system as the "backbone" for self-exploration through journaling. Creative visualization, gentle movement, sound, sensory stimulation, and writing prompts designed to wake up specific chakras will inspire a series of timed writings. Journaling is a form of unfolding -- participants will benefit from a deeper sense of self-awareness, relaxation and compassion.
Writing the Energetic Body will be divided into two workshops*. This exploration is a series of two, two-hour sessions, with each devoted to four chakras. We will begin by focusing on the first three, or "earthly" chakras, and finish with the heart chakra. The next half will begin by focusing on the “upper” heart chakra (the bridge between body and spirit) followed by the higher, or "ethereal" chakras.

It is not necessary to sign up for both workshops. Attendees will receive a final relaxation meditation and a chakra balancing treatment at the end of each session.

No writing workshop experience required.

Materials: Favorite pen, a notebook or journal, water, a yoga mat, and comfortable clothing.
*9:00 to 11:00 pm ~ Part 1: We will explore issues of survival and “the tribe”; pleasure, sexuality and emotions; our sense of purpose and personal power; and compassion and self-acceptance.
*1:00 to 3:00 pm ~ Part 2: We will open to love; clear communication and creativity; intuition and imagination; and understanding and spiritual connection.

Please contact me at before the workshop so that I may send you class materials ahead of time.

To kick start your imagination you may want to check out my meditation visualization cd Journey through the Chakras. You may order the cd at my site Sacred Folly or download the MP3 tracks by going here.

Also, you may want to check out (though it's not necessary) the classic book on writing by Natalie Goldberg, Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within (Shambhala Library).

To learn more about the festival, click here.

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